What is the OSTMA
Mission Statement of Ohio Sports Turf Managers Association:
" to be a regional resource for Ohio and Southern Michigan sports turf professionals to enhance, promote, and improve the quality of sports turf facilities through education, training, networking, research, and services.
"What Do I Get For My Membership?
TURF RELATED: OSTMA quarterly newsletter, will be informative and discuss innovative new ideas in every issue.
Does the OSTMA offer educational information?
The OSTMA is forming a network of knowledge professionals that can be tapped to answer tough questions on your sports turf problems. In addition to educational information, OSTMA will also provide workshops, and tour on wheels for members. This will provide chapter members with the latest technology from vendors and professionals in the field. Since 1998 the OSTMA has hosted workshops at Canal Park, Akron- Sylvania Pacesetter Park, Sylvania- Ohio State University, Columbus
How can I compare my operations with my peers?
The OSTMA offer an annual FIELD OF DISTINCTION program that honors turf professional, that are members, for their outstanding facilities and efforts. The awards are sponsored by the OSTMA and Profile Products. There are different classifications such as recreational, high school, college (divisions), and professional. A committee of OSTMA peers will select the winners. An annual awards breakfast is held to honor recipients at the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation show in Columbus in December.
How can the OSTMA help me network with other sports turf professional and vendors?
An annual membership roster & resource manual will list professional and commercial OSTMA members. Through workshops, tour on wheels, and general meetings members can network. The annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the awards breakfast or lunch in December.
Commercial Members
The OSTMA not only offers you a select target group to network with, it also has opportunities for sponsorship and advertisement. The OSTMA will also honor a commercial affiliate that helps make the OSTMA a success each year at the awards function.
To advertise in TURF RELATED - quarterly newsletter that targets membership and prospective members. Advertisement is very reasonable:
2003 Newsletter Release Dates
March 1st
June 1st
September 1st
December 1st
Advertising Rates 2003 Issues
Each All 4 Issues
Business card $30.00 $100.00
¼ page ad $50.00 $180.00
½ page ad $85.00 $320.00
Full page ad $125.00 $475.00
419-824-9805 / 1-888-824-9805 for more advertising information
*All advertisers must provide camera ready ads.
Workshop event - lunch sponsor $300.00
Workshop event - coffee & donut sponsor $150.00
Workshop event - event sponsor $150.00
419-824-9805 / 1-888-824-9805for more advertising information