Founders Award
Darian Daily - 2004
Cincinnati Bengals
Darian is the Sports Turf Manager for the Cincinnati Bengals. He is very active within the OSTMA and has served as president from 2001-2002. Upon accepting the award, Darian stated "I am honored to be receiving this award and having my name on a plaque that has been presented to some great individuals. Behind every great sports turf manager in a great team and I am honored to have great team members working for me and they deserve just as much recognition."
Boyd Montgomery-2003
Sylvania Recreation Corporation
Boyd is the Facilities & Maintenance Director for Sylvania Recreation Corporation. He is very active in the industry serving on the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Board of Directors, Sports Turf Managers Association Board of Directors, and serving as the executive secretary for the OSTMA. He also teaches at Owens Community College and does numerous speaking engagements each year at turf conferences across the U.S. Upon accepting the award, Boyd stated “It is a great honor to get this recognition from my peers and the industry and it would not be possible without the great support I get from my staff.”
Pam Sherrat -2002
The Ohio State University
Pam is the Sports Turf Specialist for The Ohio State University Extension and has developed many beneficial relationships with Ohio sports turf managers. She has been instrumental in developing a good working relationship between the OSTMA and the OSU turf team. She has developed the Ohio State sports turf website and sends weekly updates to her extensive email list. She also spends a tremendous amount of time traveling around the state and helping individuals diagnose there problems on sports fields at all levels.